Stress, Coping Behavior & General Health

Epidemiologic data suggest that approximately 10-15% of the general population show insufficient coping skills under chronic stress. Of these, 10% will eventually develop a psychiatric disorder.

Stress, Coping Behavior & General Health: Free 10-Minute Test

Insufficient coping skills under chronic stress do not only increase the risk for eventually developing depressive disorders, but can also influence general health and quality of life in a negative way.

Testen Sie Ihr Stressverhalten und Ihre allgemeine Gesundheit

Im Rahmen unserer wissenschaftlichen Studie können Sie sich völlig anonym in 5-10 Minuten testen. Wählen Sie dazu Ihre Sprache auf der linken Seite und folgen den Instruktionen.

Test Your Coping Skills under Stress and Your General Health

You can test yourself in 5-10 minutes within the scope of our scientific study through a completely anonymous procedure. Select your language on the left and follow the instructions.

Evalúe su respuesta al estrés y su salud general

Compruebe por usted mismo en 5-10 min. de forma completamente anónima en el marco de nuestro estudio científico. Seleccione su idioma en la lista de la izquierda y siga las instrucciones.

Testez vos capacités pour gérer le stress et votre santé général

Dans le cadre de notre étude scientifique vous pouvez vous tester en 5-10 minutes complčtement anonyme. Choisissez votre langue sur la gauche et suivez les instructions.

Valuti il suo comportamento in situazioni di stress e la sua salute generale

Nell` ambito della nostra ricerca scientifica puň valutarsi in modo anonimo in 5-10 minuti. Per questo scopo scelga nella parte sinistra la sua lingua e segua le istruzioni.