IFMA Preventive Health Management Inc.

Institute for Medical Advancement

New York, NY 10005, USA

IFRG Emblem

Hearing Aids on the Market

We have tested high-end devices of several major manufacturers. Firstly, none of these devices covered the lower frequency range 88 - 660 Hz at a sufficiently dense tonal resolution, thus cutting off an estimated 35% of people from effective help.

Secondly, none of these devices came with an accompanying smartphone «App» that lets users adjust the device’s frequency response according to individual requirements.

Finally, adjustment procedures provided by professionals in hearing aid centers turned out to be inefficient and tediously time-consuming. Typically, numerous sessions were required for individually optimized solutions. The vast majority of customers would have done this optimization much better and more efficiently at home — if they have had the respective smartphone «App».

Wish List to Hearing Aids Manufacturers

  • Hearing aids should have an evenly spaced tonal resolution over 7 octaves [e.g., 55-7,040Hz] with 8 tones per octave; the amplification of each tone should be individually adjustable;
  • Higher-valued hearing aids should be sold with an accompanying smartphone «App» that allows users to individually adjust the amplification of the evenly spaced tones (equalizer with at least 4 bands per octave).


We plan a representative scientific study regarding the characteristics of hearing loss in the general population and would very much appreciate if users could send us their hearing loss charts by email. Thus, we will be able to rely on a much broader basis of empirical data when developing new training approaches — on a strictly anonymous basis: that goes without saying.

⇒ Advancements in this field are primarily made possible by data contributions of users like you: Thank You!

vSpacer The self-assessment «Auditory Evaluation» App
The self-assessment «AudEval» App provides (1) a high-resolution auditory evaluation that can be carried out in the home environment; and (2) hearing-loss specific training sessions to improve auditory thresholds and speech intelligibility.
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